Start page Contact Address

de:Impressum gem. § 6 TDG

Charakter der Website: rein privat
Verantwortlich gem. § 10 Absatz 3 MDStV: Oskar Fuhlrott
Anschrift: Vörn Barkholt 22 b
D- 22359 Hamburg
Telefon: 040—603 65 48
E-Mail-Adresse: [eMail]
akademische Titel: Diplom-Volkswirt, Hamburg, 1968
Diplom-Informatiker, Hamburg, 1987

en: Contact Me:

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Subject: Contact Message   /   deBetreff: Kontakt Mitteilung
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 Intro:   I read ... and wanted to say I just wanted to say I want to post you the following question (no intro)
Your text!:               


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(International) mail address / Postadresse:
 Oskar Fuhlrott
 Voern Barkholt 22 b
D-22359 Hamburg
 G e r m a n y